all together, with feeling now, design love, photografii

love, of all kinds.

From a hot steaming cup of tea.

Sarita Walsh’s range of herbal tea packaging designed for APO. So comforting and reassuring, no?

Love, between father and son. (And mom, who snapped the photo.)

Joanna Goddard’s wonderful photos of her husband and son. How cute is his expression?! (See more here. Little toesies!!)

Love, from a loyal patron to his favourite barber.

Isman Tanuri’s poignant but so-true tribute to his Malay barber (and why he was a great marketer).

(Sarita Walsh / A Cup of Jo / Bernard Tan)


2 thoughts on “love, of all kinds.

  1. Hi Zhirong (I hope I’ve got it right), thank you very much for re-sharing the story. It is always hard to take such news, even harder not having a chance to say ‘thank you’ for one last time.

    Love the photo! You don’t see much of those any more.

    • theletterzee says:

      Hi Isman, thanks for stopping by! What you wrote really moved me – so kudos to you for sharing your story in the first place :) Yes those barber shops are so charming, a pity they are dying out and becoming a rare breed.

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